
macos - hdiutil

Intro hdiutil is a command-line utility on macOS that allows users to create, manipulate, and convert disk images. Disk images are virtual disk files that can contain the entire file system structure, including files, folders, and metadata. hdiutil provides a variety of functions related to disk images, and it’s a powerful tool for managing disk-related tasks on a Mac. Basic Usage create echo -n "geheim" |hdiutil create -encryption -stdinpass -size 10m -volname encdata test.

Hugo Canonical

A canonical URL is the URL of the best representative page from a group of duplicate pages, according to Google. For example, if you have two URLs for the same page (such as and, Google chooses one as canonical. Similarly, if you have multiple pages that are nearly identical, Google can group them together (for example, pages that differ only by the sorting or filtering of the contents, such as by price or item color) and choose one as canonical.

Nginx - IP

sometimes, you wanna restrict access to a webserver based on ip addresses. here a little howto. Update nginx Config for your vhost and forward temporary/permanent to a sorry host. --->8- snip -8<--- location / { allow; allow 2001:db8::/32; deny all; error_page 403 =301 https://sorry.your.domain; } or move the ip’s to a dedicated file and include it here … --->8- snip -8<--- location / { include incl/admin_ip.txt; deny all; error_page 403 =301 https://sorry.

K8s - DigitalOcean

Deploy Sampleapp on Kuberentes … Prerequisite Domain “”,, ns2, ns3 … Digital Ocean Login Doku Build Kubbi Cluster Build Cluster with WebGUI or CLI via CLI time doctl kubernetes cluster create prod001 --region fra1 --node-pool "size=s-2vcpu-2gb;auto-scale=true;min-nodes=3;max-nodes=5" FRA1 3 Nodes 2 CPU 2 GB RAM 60 GB Disk Costs: 54 USD/Mt! Connecting and managing this cluster doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save 4375b470-ebe8-4ccb-925a-345df364dfbd user@mac % doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save 4375b470-ebe8-4ccb-925a-345df364dfbd Notice: Adding cluster credentials to kubeconfig file found in "/Users/user/.

macos - vnstat

vnstat wanna install vnstat on your mac ? install brew install vnstat gsed and you’ll get the following Message after installation: ==> vnstat To monitor interfaces other than "en0" edit /opt/homebrew/etc/vnstat.conf To start vnstat now and restart at startup: sudo brew services start vnstat Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run: /opt/homebrew/opt/vnstat/bin/vnstatd --nodaemon --config /opt/homebrew/etc/vnstat.conf Service Location Let’s build a directory for the Database mkdir ~/Library/vnstat Path Depending where you’re config files got installed …

Python Versions

History Long time ago, there were huge discussions about Python 2.7 or Python 3.xx. Fortunately, these times are gone and we’ve all gotten over the hurdle to Python 3. But are you on 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 ? or even 3.11 or 3.12 ? That’s the current Version you should use for your daily Projects ? Status of Python versions A good indicator is this Website: OpenBSD It’s also recommended to check what our Operating System is installing by default, or what you can get from their Package Repository.


Monaspace Do you like it ? I do … Install macOS brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts brew install font-monaspace Any Comments ? sha256: 9f088f3023c2e5c26817ccddbfb49ea25dd6f08d0ba3ac6e7ca9038f0d2e2547

Debian - MinIO

Minio on Debian Need some S3 Storage for Reasons ? Here a few Lines, how to Setup and enable TLS. Install Minio login as root for the whole installation. Or use sudo/doas if preferred. Upgrade you Box apt update && apt upgrade -y reboot if needed add User Let’s add User as we don’t wanna run it as root useradd -r minio-user -s /sbin/nologin Get Minio Download, set execute permission and move it

OpenBSD 7.4

OpenBSD 7.4 finally released Today, the 55th Release of OpenBSD was announced. My Upgrade Script is available here. Highlights vmd(8) has moved to a multi-process model for virtio(4) block and network devices malloc(3) now has built-in leak detection In OpenSSH 9.5, ssh-kengen(1) generates Ed25519 keys by default sec(4) for Route Based IPSec VPNs see the Post on Undeadly for more Details, or the OpenBSD Page … Script doas su - cd /root ftp https://blog.

OpenBSD 7.4 DevBox

OpenBSD 7.4 … will be released next week (23. Oct 2023). Why not have a look at the upcomming OS and prepare a VM for Software Development ? Preparation grab a fresh VM and Install OpenBSD 7.4 os version puffy74# sysctl kern.version kern.version=OpenBSD 7.4 (GENERIC.MP) #1396: Sun Oct 8 09:20:40 MDT 2023 empty vm puffy74# pkg_info quirks-6.159 exceptions to pkg_add rules and cache add go, rust, python puffy74# pkg_add go rust python3 quirks-6.